Bishōnen Line: Eve-2 hits this plateau in her evolution fairly quickly and to an extent repeatedly, and for a freakish mutation, she looks disturbingly fetish-worthy.Big Bad: Of the book and the first game.Strangely, artwork of Eve-2 in the official Parasite Eve artbook shows her having nipples, although the pubic area is still obscured. Barbie Doll Anatomy: Several of Eve-2's later forms feature breasts that lack nipples, along with creative obfuscation of the pubic area.Arch-Enemy: Eve-2 is often seen as this to Aya.Antagonist Title: Both Eves are the titular Big Bad and Puppeteer Parasite.The original host of the second Eve is actually Maya Brea, sister of Aya Brea, who was in a fatal car crash and had her kidney donated to Melissa and her cornea to Aya. Aya Brea fights her several times around New York but is unable to seriously stop her plans. Eve-2 dissolves a solo performance crowd at Central Park into raw genetic material and allies with Melissa's former doctor, Hans Klamp, to procure sperm for her Ultimate Being. After obtaining some of Toshiaki's sperm and implanting it into Mariko, Eve dissolves, unable to keep up with the energy output needed to sustain her own body.Ī second, unrelated Mitochondrial Eve (possibly, see Continuity Snarl) takes over the body of New York opera singer Melissa Pearce in the Parasite Eve game with the same goal as her predecessor of creating the Ultimate Being. Toshiaki cultures some of Kiyomi's liver cells, giving Eve a place to grow a body, and one of Kiyomi's kidneys is transplanted into fourteen-year-old girl Mariko Anzai, whom Eve mutates the womb of so it can give birth to the Ultimate Being.

To this end, she takes over the body of Kiyomi Nagashima, wife of mitochondrial expert Toshiaki Nagashima, and forces her to crash her car. How the second Eve appears in Parasite EveĪ mysterious, ancient evil that wants to reverse humanity's symbiotic relationship between the nucleus (banks of genetic information that dictate what cells grow where and when) and the mitochondria (organic power plants that fuel cellular activity).