It did not remove the previous version as the description indicated it would. The only way I found to determine this is the presence of the drive in the printer prefs preference pane. A successful installation is not obvious. It also demands it be in the "Applications"folder and does not like being in a subfolder.

There is no info or help when first launched. It demands that I use it in an Admin account which I am already logged into.
Just installed it after spending 30min trying to figure out how to do it.
The PDF and App workflows are really good - but should be more obvious to the end user.As mentioned, some documentation would be nice. I bought this so at least it would be supported beyond High Sierra. Overall, It would be better just to run the old Printopia until it no longer functions.Closing the window should close the app, given it is not required to run to Printopia to function.

This feature has to be enabled by clicking on the printer, then its settings.
Easy, Instant Set-up - Double-click to install Printopia, and within seconds see most any connected printers on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.Printopia even supports many password-protected printers. Wireless Printing To Your Mac's Printers - Whether you have an inkjet printer plugged into your Mac, a laser printer plugged into your router or even a network printer, if your Mac can print to it, Printopia will share it.Printopia will also add virtual printers, allowing you to save print-outs to your Mac and send to apps. Run Printopia on your Mac to share its printers to any capable iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.